Tuesday, March 31, 2009


Okey Dokey here, trying to find time........where does it go? It is snowing , snowing, snowing here in Northern Minnesota. Seriously, I'm actually getting tired of trying to distract myself with "things to do".
That's where the time goes, trying to pretend that inclement weather really doesn't exist.

ACORN : Stands for "Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now" Sounds like an obama speech, like what are you talking about ? He doesn't know what he's talking about either, but as long as he's saying something.........hmmmm, sounds like me trying to distract myself. Hey, i could just let obama do that for me.

Anyway, ACORN is an umbrells for a lot of things. According to "Real Politics.com" ( you really should check this one out), " ACORN claims chapters in 50 cities and has 100,000 'dues paying' members. They agitate for higher minimum wages , try to unionize (?) welfare workers(?), and organize voter registration." THey do all of this NOW, uh huh, so important because this is the Liberal agenda, and they don't have much time to shove things down our throats so fast, that they think we'll never know what hit us.


Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Need a job?/cash?

I'm hearing that un-employment nationwide is at 8%. I've also heard that in some states such as South Carolina it's as high as 19%. Wow ! But never fear , you can hook up with ACORN...uh huh. Just recently in Connecticut (sp), they hired a bunch of people to go out and demonstrate in front of an AIG building, even provided the bussing for them. Hey, this is tax free money. It's tax free because we "the populous" already pay taxes for the "government" run agency. Hmmmmmmmmm.

Does anyone out there know what the letters ACORN stand for ?
Hey, even if we are not out going and speaking out, we should be AWARE, and spend time in prayer.
More on this later........... This stuff, so much of it, is SO Annoying ! !


Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Novus Ordo Seclorum

Wow things just get more and more interesting. I've noted, by the way, a "peer" shaped response going on here... "Some People think that 'Ignorance is Bliss' ". Yes, I do believe that Christians should be aware of what is going on in this nation. Hasn't anyone noticed that morals here have slowly been sinking into degradation ? Abortion, same sex marriages, unwed mothers, and oh yes, not to forget the status of Christianity in our country. The Christian Community is pretty well ostrasized, and intimidated by government and the media? What are we teaching "our?" children?

I found this neat word "Indoctrination", it's defined in the dictionary as "to teach partisan and sectarian dogmas". On that note I would like to quote an excerpt that I came across re-this same subject.:

"It does not call for much imagination to see that there could be a formal recognition of the universal spirit, a theology that pays lip service to all religions, but ends up as a new age belief. This is the sort of thing that appeals to Buddhists, Hindus, and even some who claim to be Christians. It is like a religion of mankind, based on what they think is humanism and open mindedness. But at some point the world body would of necessity make evangelism and active conversion to beliefs so Doctrinaire as Christianity undesirable.

With that kind of system in plece, there would also have to be a law of world indoctrination and thought control. The word government wants a law of the press, regulating what criticism of the central government would be allowed in the media, then a muzzle on free speech with restrictions on public and even private expressions of disapproval."

Excerpt from "A New World Order" written by P. Robertson in 1991.


Monday, March 23, 2009

...where am I ?

Hey, I thought that I was in the USA. Maybe not,...am I in Russia ? Every time that I turn on the TV there's obama spewing out
Propaganda. I have a feeling that this is going to become more pervasive...hmmmm. Let's see, we'll cut down on any negative remarks concerning government, stifle the Christian voice, ( after all everyone knows that religion is universal , it doesn't just belong to Christians ), and let's also learn some new "politically Correct " phraseology. Hey, "indoctrination " rules !

This shouldn't take long , look at the economy, they'll have us eating right out of their hand. How many people have sounded the warning for so long "The New World Order" is coming ? Yup, down the highway of destruction at super-max speed.
Hang on ! !


Friday, March 20, 2009

Arrggghhh ! !

WELCOME TO THE NEW FRONTIER ! One World Economy...New World Order.
Looks like the guy "chosen" to take us there is none other than Barak Obama.
The Federal Reserve is going to put 1.3 TRILLION Dollars into the economy,
our economy. So how do we pay OURSELVES BACK ? ? ?

The Feds putting/printing, out that much money is a DANGEROUS Proposition
and once that happens, our currency and everyone elses will be
pretty much worthless, our dollar will be as "confederate " money.
We will experience here-to-fore unheard of inflation . Hey, this could be as early as
This Fall. Believe it, we are going to really be in heavy mire.
The only choice we'll have, and China, Russia, Germany and Good Ol' France
of course, will be to go to an International Monetary System, as in "global", "one world

But, don't give it a thought America, relax... Obama will be the best distraction
ever. He's scheduled for three more segments of Jay Leno (how fun that
will be) and he can make predictions on sports victories for us. Congress will help out
with the AIG Fiasco , and stimulus packages, and bailouts....YEA ! What great entertainment !
"America , America, Shed YOUR ? Grace on Us " ? Not MY America, my America is "ONE Nation Under God".

...And there's not a Thing we can do about it...just walk right into this "New Era" ? ,
Thank God ! He sits in the Heavens and laughs at this foolishness.
PSALMS 2: 1-5


Wednesday, March 11, 2009


"My ways are Higher than your ways, my thoughts higher than your thoughts" says Almighty God in His Word. "Call onto Me and I will answer and show you Great and Mighty things that you don't know."
Can we even begin to comprehend "God", His Power His Glory ? The person who wrote the song "How Great Thou Art ", must have caught a small glimpse of this.

Our astronomers, our scientists, our archaeologists, biologists, physicists, certainly at some point have realized the vanity of consideration in thinking we know so much as an inth of the creative knowledge of Almighty God.

God is Amazing, beyond our thoughts. This whole universe was created by Him. The sun , the moon , the stars, not to mention our humanity. In each of His Children runs the thread of His Holy Spirit , and by the Spirit of God in each of us, we connect. We automatically know each of our brothers and sisters, just as God knows His Own.

We talk of "solar energy", "wind energy", "atomic energy", the speed of sound, the speed of light, wow ! God created these energys. We have not yet and probably never will attain to the "speed of Light". Interesting. When you even begin to approach such high speeds, dimensions begin to change. This becomes even more interesting , when we consider that according to the Gospel of John, Jesus IS "the light that came into this world", the Light that "dispels all darkness" . I choose to travel with God ! uh huh.

God must laugh, and according to His Word He does, in Psalms 2, verses two and four it says : "The Kings of the earth set themselves, and the rulers take counsel together, against the Lord, and against His anointed".......and in verse four: " He that sitteth in the heavens shall laugh: the Lord shall have them in derision..."

Does God know, oh yes, He knows and He knows and He knows........all of it from begining to end.
Who is God? God IS, that's who He is. All Power, All Glory, All knowing , that's God.
How Blessed are we to know that He IS indeed our All in All .

I want to go higher.
