Okey Dokey here, trying to find time........where does it go? It is snowing , snowing, snowing here in Northern Minnesota. Seriously, I'm actually getting tired of trying to distract myself with "things to do".
That's where the time goes, trying to pretend that inclement weather really doesn't exist.
ACORN : Stands for "Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now" Sounds like an obama speech, like what are you talking about ? He doesn't know what he's talking about either, but as long as he's saying something.........hmmmm, sounds like me trying to distract myself. Hey, i could just let obama do that for me.
Anyway, ACORN is an umbrells for a lot of things. According to "Real" ( you really should check this one out), " ACORN claims chapters in 50 cities and has 100,000 'dues paying' members. They agitate for higher minimum wages , try to unionize (?) welfare workers(?), and organize voter registration." THey do all of this NOW, uh huh, so important because this is the Liberal agenda, and they don't have much time to shove things down our throats so fast, that they think we'll never know what hit us.
Labels: poltical