Thursday, May 14, 2009

Funny?, Exasperating?, Stupid?...Bullseye

Hey anyonomous 2, did you even read what you wrote re- the 1st amendment ? ? ? Count yourself as one of the "Ignorant out there".

Don't know about all of you but I am so tired of hearing about "waterboarding". I think that the exchange betwee Joy Behar of "The View", and writer, Ann Coulter just about sums it up

Recently on "The View", Joy Behar asked Ann Coulter
"Do you want to be 'water boarded ?' ". Ann Coulter responded, "Do you want
to be ' ABORTED' ? ? "

BULLSEYE !! !!! !!!

Anonymous 2, what you know about what's going on in the Nation is from your copy of "The Liberal's Mantra "playing over and over in your ears, because you don't have a brain of your own.


Thursday, May 07, 2009

"God shed His Grace on Thee"

We live in such a time that Christianity would seem to be coming a thing of the past. The vanity and the arrogancy our humand condition is pathetic. Flesh and blood government thinks itself invincible somehow. Humility is not honored, truth and honesty are a joke, and morality is passe'.

Today we have a National Day of Prayer, which was instituted on 1952 ! ! Wow ! So we gather at our Nation's Capitol to READ the Bible from Genesis to Revelation. Perhaps we should call this day "National Day of READ". Just kidding. We are all so Thankful for the "Prayers" in the Body of Christ. There WILL be prayer this year at City Halls, Parks etc. throughout our nation , and even Prayers in helicoptors flying over various sections of our nation.

At a time such as this, I'm reminded to Pray all the more fervrently for friends and acquaintances who have not yet found Life in Christ Jesus.

For some time two scriptures keep coming to my mind :
Hebrews 4:2, " For unto us was the
Gospel preached, as well as unto them:
but the Word preached did not profit
them, not being mixed with FAITH in
them that heard it. "

11 Thessalonians 2: 11
"...and for this cause God shall send them
strong delusion, that they might believe
a lie. "

"...and firm our souls with self control, Thy Liberty and Law " ( part of a stanza from "America" as close as I can remember , so pretinent today.)
